Check in

Dear passengers!

Check-in deadlines are set by the carrier. As a rule, check-in for international flights starts 2 hours and finishes 40 min. before departure. For domestic flights, check-in starts 1.5 hours and finishes 30 min. before departure. Detailed information on the exact check-in starting/finishing time is available from an airline company carrying out the flight.

Check-in desks are located in the central hall of Zaporizhia Airport.

If you arrive at the check-in desk after the check-in procedure is finalised or if you do not have all the required flight documents, the carrier can refuse to provide the transportation service and cancel the reservation, in order not to delay the flight.

To check-in for a flight, you need to have a valid ticket and an ID (for citizens of Ukraine – Ukrainian passport or foreign passport, travel document of a child,  diplomatic passport, service passport of Ukraine, seafarer’s ID, crew member’s pass; for foreigners, stateless persons staying in Ukraine – passport of a foreigner, permanent residence permit, temporary residence permit).

Before going to the airport, please make sure you have your ticket and your passport and, in case you travel with children, the travel document of the child and their birth certificate.

During the check-in, the passenger is issued with a boarding pass indicating their full name, the carrier’s name, flight number, departure time and date, check-in deadlines, number of gate and seat number (if applicable).