According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 9, 2020 No. 1236 (as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 270 dated March 24, 2021 and No. 310 dated April 7, 2021), the current rules for entry into Ukraine are:
– For citizens of Ukraine and holders of a residence permit – the presence of a negative test result for COVID-19 by the polymerase chain reaction method, conducted no more than 72 hours before crossing the state border (except for persons under 12 years of age). In the absence of a test certificate, a Ukrainian or a person permanently residing on the territory of Ukraine has the opportunity to install the “Home” application and go for two weeks of self-isolation. It is possible to complete self-isolation early in the event of a negative PCR test result directly on the territory of Ukraine.
– For foreign citizens and holders of a residence permit – the obligatory presence of a policy (certificate, certificate) of insurance issued by an insurance company registered in Ukraine, or a foreign insurance company that has a representative office in Ukraine or a contractual relationship with a partner insurance company in Ukraine (assistance), covers the costs associated with the treatment of COVID-19, observation, and is valid for the period of stay in Ukraine, as well as a negative test result for COVID-19 by the polymerase chain reaction method, carried out no more than 72 hours before crossing the state border (test not required from persons under 12 years old).
For foreign citizens, there is no opportunity to pass the traffic rules test in Ukraine or go to self-isolation. In the absence of a test and / or insurance policy, crossing the state border for entry will be refused. In addition, now the presence of a certificate of antibodies to COVID-19 or a vaccination certificate does not exempt a person from the need to have test results for COVID-19 by PCR before crossing the state border.