Indicators of production activity of Communal enterprise “Zaporizhzhia International Airport” for the first half of 2019
The first half of 2019, Zaporizhzhia Airport completes crossing the border of 230 thousand serviced passengers. For comparison, in 2018, this figure reached only 177 thousand. Thus, the overall increase in passenger traffic was 33.5%. As in the past year, the largest number of passengers is in the sector of international transportation – 173 thousand. In 2018, this figure amounted to 130 thousand. On domestic flights, more than 57 thousand people were served (in 2018 – 47 thousand), an increase of 20.5%.
In June, 47 thousand passengers passed through the Zaporizhzhia air harbor, while in 2018 more than 23.5 thousand. 37 thousand passengers were transported on international airlines, and almost 10 thousand were on the domestic ones. Last year, these indicators were 18.5 and 5 thousand, respectively.
It should be noted separately that in 2018 the level of passenger traffic was significantly influenced by the repair of the runway, which lasted from May 26 to June 14.